(Bloomberg) -- Dutch election winner Geert Wilders publicly slammed Prime Minister Dick Schoof for not defending two ministers in his cabinet against accusations that they are racist.

Wilders’ criticism came after Migration Minister Marjolein Faber and Health Minister Fleur Agema made controversial comments about women wearing headscarves. Faber earlier told RTL Nieuws she was “not really into headscarves.” Both the ministers are from Wilders’ far-right Freedom Party.

“That was weak stuff,” Wilders said in the lower house of parliament on Thursday. “When your people are being called racist, I expect from the prime minister, and you’re also my prime minister, that you immediately distance yourself from it,” he said.

Wilders’ party secured the most seats in the November elections but the politician was forced to abandon his bid to become prime minister in order to forge alliances for a right-wing government. The leaders of the four parties in the coalition agreed to stay out of the cabinet and instead picked former spy chief Schoof as premier.

Schoof is a seasoned government official, having held senior positions in the Justice and Security Ministry as well as the head of the Dutch intelligence service. He’s not affiliated with any party and now leads a cabinet with Wilders’ Freedom Party heading up the most ministries. 

The Netherlands’ new cabinet was sworn in Tuesday, making it the first time that Wilders’ party became a part of the Dutch government.

“I really do decide on my own words...I have said, I trust, I’m standing here with a cabinet, and I’m standing for all people in this cabinet, no exception,” Schoof said. 

(Updates with details on new coalition in the sixth paragraph)

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