(Bloomberg) -- Britain’s young adults moved back into London last year in the biggest numbers since before the pandemic, marking a sharp contrast to an exodus by older people.

The UK capital drew in more people aged 24-29 than departed for other parts of the country in the year through June 2022, according to data on internal migration released Friday by the Office for National Statistics. However, about 25,000 people net aged 30-34 departed the city.

The figures indicate longer term trends interrupted by the pandemic are returning, with young people moving to London at the start of their career and then moving out as they age and struggle with the cost of living. 

People of all ages fled the capital during lockdowns, snapping up properties with space to work from home and access to outdoors. Now, employers are asking people to spend more time in offices, raising questions over whether people will move back to London.

Overall, London lost 125,824 people in the latest year. Every other region of England and Wales, expect the West Midlands, saw a net positive internal flow of people. 

London boroughs including Lambeth, Camden and Hackney were among the 31 boroughs to see a net outflow of people. Havering in outer London was an outlier, seeing a net positive flow, notably with 30-34 year olds.

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