(Bloomberg) -- Tesla Inc. suffered fresh setbacks in its Swedish labor dispute, as a court withdrew a ruling favorable to the carmaker and Norway’s largest private-sector union joined a blockade that’s spread across the Nordic region.

Norway’s United Federation of Trade Unions on Wednesday said it would start blocking Teslas bound for Sweden on Dec. 20, unless the US automaker signs a collective bargaining agreement with the Swedish Industrial Workers’ Union, whose members have staged a monthlong walkout at seven repair shops in the Nordic country.  

“The right to collective bargaining agreements is a natural part of the labor market in the Nordics and we cannot accept that Tesla stands outside of this system,” the president of the United Federation of Trade Unions Jorn Eggum said in emailed comments.

The Norwegian blockade is the second Nordic setback for Tesla in less than 24 hours, as an appeals court on Tuesday withdrew an injunction allowing the carmaker to pick up new-vehicle license plates directly from the company that makes them. 

Read More: Tesla Shipments to Sweden Are Under Threat Across the Nordics

Tesla’s lawsuit against the Transport Agency will now be reviewed by the appeals court ahead of a final ruling. In the meantime the company is reliant on the Swedish postal service, where workers continue to refuse to handle any Tesla-related packages or mail in support of the repair-shop strike.

A blockade could extend across the entire Nordic region, as Denmark’s 3F, which organizes harbor workers and drivers, said it will also stop offloading and transporting Tesla cars to Sweden in two weeks time, and a Finnish sister union is expected to reach a decision on whether to join a potential blockade on Thursday. 

Sweden is Tesla’s fifth-biggest European market and its Model Y is the country’s best-selling vehicle this year, with 14,078 registered, according to Mobility Sweden.

Read More: How Musk’s Anti-Union Stance Faces Test in Sweden: QuickTake

(Adds details on Norwegian labor-action announcement in first three paragraphs)

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